Enoch Tourism

Enoch’s Tourism Department is "Building a foundation to share Enoch with the world"

Who Are We?


The Creator has entrusted maskêkosihk (Land of Medicines)

to us. We see in Indigenous tourism an opportunity to accomplish a goal – to continue to flourish,

strengthen our culture, support our people, and preserve our land. We want to provide a tourism experience that is authentic, that shares knowledge and that is guided by our cultural values.

Enoch has been working hard to turn our spark of desire to formalize cultural tourism in our community into a warm, long-lasting flame. To do so in a way that would make our ancestors proud, we will prioritize the social, economic, environmental, and cultural benefits that tourism can provide for our community. The growth of cultural tourism in Enoch has and will continue to take on a holistic community-minded approach. This means that community members are encouraged and empowered to use tourism as a means for strengthening their connection with their culture, healing and sharing what is appropriate with visitors whether Indigenous or non-Indigenous people, and creating lasting social and economic benefits for themselves, their families, and their community.

Currently we are focused on two essential spaces: the proposed Cultural Interpretive Centre (CIC) and the Traditional Grounds & Interpretive Area. However, we also continue to plan and execute events. Our past events include art walks, night markets, holiday markets, and a fashion show. Updates for upcoming events will be available soon.

Enoch’s Tourism Department will lead this journey, ensuring an inclusive and community-wide approach that honours our home, culture and our people.

Contact us at Enochtourism@gmail.com